
Emoji Keyboard Valentine Red dla Android

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 350
  • 4.1

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

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Klawiatura emoji Walentynkowa Czerwona

Emoji Keyboard Valentine Red is a theme designed for the Emoji Keyboard application on Android. With its glossy 3D buttons shaped like a red heart, this theme is perfect for getting your phone ready for Valentine's Day and expressing your love. However, it's important to note that Emoji Keyboard Valentine Red is not a standalone application. In order to use this theme, you need to have Emoji Keyboard (Cute or Premium or KK version) installed on your device.

Emoji Keyboard is a free and smart Emoji Keyboard for Android that offers a wide range of features. It allows you to fast input over 3000 emoji, smileys, stickers, and text faces conveniently in various messaging and social apps. With over 300 beautiful themes, smart gesture typing, auto correct, and fast input, Emoji Keyboard is considered one of the best Emoji Keyboards for Android. It also supports over 55 languages and offers customization options for color, layout, and font. Additionally, it includes essential features like copy, cut, paste, arrow keys, and a clipboard for quick copy and paste.

To apply the Emoji Keyboard Valentine Red theme, simply open the Emoji Keyboard application and click the "Apply Theme" button. Enjoy the romantic and festive vibes on your Android device with Emoji Keyboard Valentine Red.

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Emoji Keyboard Valentine Red dla Android

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 350
  • 4.1

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

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